Twins or multiples
Following their development as they grow is such a wonderful journey, and we can’t wait to support you on along the way. If you would like to know the gender of your twins (or multiples), our gender scan is available from week 14 on onward.
Would you like to see their facial expressions – or get a glimpse of whether they take after you or their father – we can’t recommend the 3D/4D scan enough! It’s the closest you’ll get to meeting your children before your due date. You’ll achieve the best results in weeks 22 – 23.
Duration, early scan: 15 minutes
Price: DKK 600
Duration, gender scan: 15 minutes
Price: DKK 500
Duration, 3D/4D scan: 45 minutes
Price, weekdays btw. 9-4pm: DKK 1,300
Price, after 4pm and Saturdays: DKK 1,500
More on the early scan
Provided the little ones are each in their own, separate gestational sac, it is possible to determine the number of babies from as early as 5 weeks of pregnancy. If instead they share the placenta with a membrane between them, this can be seen from 7 weeks.
Only when you can see the number of hearts beating, can you establish exactly how many fetuses there are.
The early scan is performed vaginally. If the little ones are up to it, we can try scanning in 3D. However, we do not guarantee that this can be done at this stage of pregnancy.
Keeping up with your little ones as they grow is an amazing experience, especially in the early stages where changes are so noticeable. To support you in seeing them as often as possible, we offer all consecutive early scans at half price – DKK 300. Come as many times as you like up until 13 weeks.
Did you know: In the case twins, if the babies each have their own placenta, 25 percent will be identical (monozygotic) and 75 percent will be fraternal (dizygotic). If the babies share the placenta, 100 percent will be identical.
What you receive
- A written report stating the length of the fetus, pregnancy stage in weeks and days, and due date.
- 3-4 pictures in black and white (printouts).
- Small video clips stored on a USB key, which can either be purchased at our clinic, or you bring yourself. We also send all pictures and videos to your email immediately following the scan.
- A small plastic folder for your future pregnancy documents and our report and pictures.
Book online
Visit our online booking calendar to find the time and service that best suits your needs.
»Excellent service«
Have been there two times for an ultrasound. Both times, the technicians were so kind and warm. They have created a very calm atmosphere in the scan room, which contributes to a very relaxed experience. They send you a lot of pictures and videos of the baby afterwards by email. Super convenient to share with family and friends. I can only recommend this place if you want to get some extra scans besides the ones offered in the hospital.
Laura | Trustpilot
More on the gender scan
This scan is a wonderful option if you’re curious to learn the gender of your babies.
The gender scan is available from 14 weeks and on. If, for some reason, we’re unable to establish the gender during the first scan, we offer you another scan for free. Our aim is to bring you the wonderful news of baby boys or girls with absolute certainty.
The appointment is set to last 15 minutes. While we spend most of the time to determine your baby’s gender, we promise to do our best to see other things as well – a little smile, a yawn or whatever the little ones feel like showing us on the day. However, we will not have time for taking measurements or writing a report. If you would like to include this additional information, please choose one of the longer scans, e.g., the 30-minute scan.
What you receive
- 5-6 pictures in black and white (printouts).
- Small video clips stored on a USB key, which can either be purchased at our clinic, or you bring yourself. We also send all pictures and videos to your email immediately following the scan.
- A beautiful card stating babies’ gender (can easily be framed for your nursery if you want).
- A small plastic folder for your future pregnancy documents.
More on the 3D/4D scan for twins and multiples
The 3D/4D scan for twins and multiples is something out of the extraordinary – for us too! We absolutely love this scan.
We recommend that you come before week 25, and preferably during weeks 22-23, as this is stage of pregnancy allows for the best pictures and the opportunity to see both children in the same frame.
While we offer a free re-scan if we’re unable to determine the gender of one or more of your little ones, this does not apply to the 3D/4D in case we’re unable to capture both faces. Sometimes, one twin is on top of the other, which makes nearly impossible to see everything. We do promise, however, to capture many adorable moments featuring your little wonders. Sometimes they even hug and kiss each other!
A health exam as well
This scan is also a health exam, and includes measuring the babies’ length, the width and length of the head, the abdominal circumference and the length of the femur. Based on these measurements, we calculate an approximate weight for each of the children.
We also measure the flow on the umbilical cord, which means that you can hear their hearts as well as allows us to determine see if the little ones are getting enough nutrition.
At our clinic, we use Astraia Software for all data processing, the premier data processing technology used in all Danish hospitals. Astraia is only available to ultrasound clinics certified by the Fetal Medicine Foundation in London.
If you have any pregnancy-related questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. The doctor or midwife performing your scan will be happy to offer answers and guidance.
What you receive
- Thorough description of all fetal organs and bones, flow in the umbilical cord, placenta, and amniotic fluid.
- The size of the babies, length and weight, at the time of the scan.
- Gender, if you wish to know (after week 14).
- 20-25 images in black and white (printouts).
- 4-5 color printouts
- he entire scan stored on a USB key, which can either be purchased at our clinic, or you can bring yourself. We also send all pictures and videos to your email immediately following the scan.
- A small plastic folder for all documents and images you receive from us, plus any future pregnancy documents.

Book online
Visit our online booking calendar to find the time and service that best suits your needs.