Early scan

Get an early scan to set your heart at ease

Nothing feels worse than worrying about the little new life in your belly. The early scan is designed to put your heart and mind at ease and can be performed as early as your 6th week of pregnancy.

The scan allows us to discover if the pregnancy is progressing as it should, or if e.g. the fertilised egg has implanted itself outside the womb (ectopic or tubal pregnancy).

The early scan requires a high level of precision and experience from the sonographer. We’re proud to say that all of our wonderful staff are more than qualified to perform this scan, and are here to help you find clarity and peace of mind.

Duration: 15 minutes
Price for your first early scan: DKK 600
Price for your next early scan: DKK 400

An amazing experience: Watch your baby’s beating heart!

After 5 weeks of gestation, the pregnancy is visible in the uterus using ultrasound, provided the baby is developing at a normal rate.

After 6 weeks and just 2mm in length, the baby’s heartbeat is visible. If you’re unable to observe a heartbeat at 6 weeks, you are either not 6 weeks pregnant yet, or the baby has not developed properly and will not be able to grow.

From 7 weeks, you can see a small heart beat – it’s an amazing experience! As soon as you can see a beating heart, you can also count the number of hearts – and thus, the number of babies! Therefore you can determine very early in pregnancy if you are expecting more than one child. 2% of all pregnancies are twins.

An ultrasound scan performed in the first weeks of pregnancy is done vaginally. While great for confirming a heartbeat, any ultrasound scan performed before the 12th week of gestation, can’t determine if there are any malformations in the baby.

Only 400 kr.for your next early scan – come as many times as you like!

Would you like more scans? All consecutive early scans only 400 kr. up until your 13th week of pregnancy. Come as many times as you like.

What you receive

  • A written report stating the length of the fetus, pregnancy stage in weeks and days, and due date.
  • 3-4 pictures in black and white (printouts).
  • Small video clips stored on a USB key, which can either be purchased at our clinic, or you bring yourself. We also send all pictures and videos to your email immediately following the scan.
  • A small carton folder for your future pregnancy documents and our report and pictures.

Book online

Visit our online booking calendar to find the time and service that best suits your needs.

Did you know?

Once you have seen baby’s heart beating at an ultrasound, the risk of miscarriage is minute. In most miscarried pregnancies, an embryo has never been formed. Thus it brings great comfort to many to have an early ultrasound scan.

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