Prices, Ultralydklinikken for Gravide

Did you know that you can get subsidies from us?

Sygeforsikringen Denmark subsidy for midwife consultation in connection with a 45-minute scan. The grant amounts to 50% of your out-of-pocket payment and max. kr. 300,- per visit. A maximum of kr. 3.000,- in grants within 12 months. If you wish to make use of this subsidy, you must ask to be scanned by our midwives when you book your appointment.

If you are a member of Sygeforsikringen Danmark in group 2, you can also get a subsidy for scanning with a gynecologist, and you must therefore choose one of our doctors when you book your appointment.

If you are in doubt as to whether the subsidy applies to you, you can contact Sygeforsikringen Danmark. If, on the other hand, you have questions about booking, scans or tests, we are always ready by the phone to guide you.

We look forward to seeing you!

Gift cards

Surprise someone you love with a gift card, and share the wonderful experience of seeing your little one for the first time

Fertility scan, 30 min
incl. report
DKK 900

Fertility scan, 15 min
excl. report
DKK 600

Early scan, first scan
DKK 600

Early scan, all consecutive scans
DKK 400

Double marker test (only with nuchal translucency scan)
DKK 900

Anomaly scan
DKK 1,900

Reassurance scan – new clients
30 minutes
DKK 1,000

Reassurance scan – returning clients, 30 minutes
DKK 900

A quick hello, 15 minutes
DKK 600

3D/4D baby scan, 45 minutes
Weekdays btw. 9-4pm: DKK 1,300
After 4pm and Saturdays: DKK 1,500

3D/4D scan, 30 min.
Weekdays btw. 9-4pm: DKK 950
After 4pm and Saturdays: DKK 1,050

NIPT test: Panorama basic – with or without DiGeorge Syndrome
DKK 4,300

NIPT test: Panorama basic – with or without DiGeorge Syndrome. Test sent via mail
DKK 4,300

NIPT: test: Panorama extended.
Test sent via mail
DKK 5,100

DKK 7.600 per person

DKK 8.100 per person