Ultrasound scans at the highest level throughout your fertility and pregnancy journey

Dreaming of becoming a mother, or a family, is one of the most personal and intimate longings there are. -And so is the journey there. At our clinic, we are dedicated to creating the safest and most professional support throughout your fertility and pregnancy journey.

Through highlevel ultrasound scans and DNA screening, as well as the best technology available on the market, our wonderful team offers to guide and support you – from the day you set out to conceive and right up until your due date.

We invite you to read more about our many different offerings, as well as about the amazing technology behind the scans. Of course, you are always welcome to contact us in case you have any queries or doubts. We are here to help you!

We look forward to welcoming you at our lovely clinic in central Copenhagen.

Fertility scan

Gain valuable insight about your physical condition with this scan, as you go through your fertility journey.

Early scan

Designed to put your heart and mind at ease and can be performed as early as your 6th week of pregnancy.

Gender scan

Are you excited to find out whether your little one is a boy or a girl? Let’s help you unveil the gender!

Nuchal translucency

We predict the likelihood of Down’s Syndrome based on the scan combined with a double marker test.

Enjoy the beautiful pictures in our gallery

One of the best things about our work here at the clinic, is that we get to meet so many beautiful babies, just waiting to join their families in the outside world!

In our stunning photo gallery, we proudly display some of all the wonderful pictures we have taken over the years – with the permission of the expectant parents, of course.

Anomaly scan

The mid-pregnancy scan is your baby’s first health examination! We are here to make it a great experience.

Reassurance scan

Do you need reassurance that your baby is doing well? With this scan, we help you alleviate uncertainty.

Twins or multiples

With this scan, you get to meet your beautiful babies from as early as 6 weeks of pregnancy!

3D/4D baby scan

This scan offers you the amazing and unique opportunity to explore your unborn child’s magical world.

Family and friends are always welcome!

“Home is where the heart is”, they say. While not exactly a home, we’ve done our very best to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere at our clinic, so that not only you, but our family as well, would feel at home while here. -And we have plenty of space, so if you would like to invite your family or friends for a scan, please don’t hesitate to do so.

Joining a scan is an outstanding way for future siblings – big and small – and grandparents to bond with their little new family member.

We look forward to seeing you all!

Did you know?

Ultrasound scanning is an advanced medical technology that mirrors one of nature’s many highly intelligent principles. With its hyper-sensitive ears, the bat orients itself through the emission of ultrasonic sounds, which then echo back important information about its surroundings.

In the same way, an ultrasound scan creates an echo of the inside of the belly, which, through advanced technology, can be transformed into an image that the human eye can understand.

At Ultralydklinikken for Gravide, we offer 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound scans respectively. Ultrasound scans are completely safe for both mother and child, and offer a unique opportunity to meet your unborn child…

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